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    Voice Actor | Audio Engineer | Video Editor | FREEDOM PLANET 2 Co-Writer | he/him |

    Edwyn Tiong @Omahdon

    Age 45, Male

    Voice Actor

    Adelaide University (Graduate)

    Adelaide, Australia

    Joined on 1/15/04

    Exp Points:
    12,308 / 12,830
    Exp Rank:
    Vote Power:
    7.52 votes
    Global Rank:
    B/P Bonus:
    9y 11m 12d

    The VG Cats Adaptation With No Name - The Lost Episode

    Posted by Omahdon - January 25th, 2011

    Kept you waiting, huh?

    Happy Australia Day (just made it)! This one was a long time coming (been sitting on the lines from my actors for pretty much over a year now). I'd been putting off mixing this due to going from a twenty-hour-per-week work schedule to a fullblown forty-hour-per-week-schedule. Suddenly I found myself without all the spare time to do all my nothing in. And thus I pushed the VG Cats Adaptation With No Name to the side while I adjusted to the work schedule and hoped to find some way to fit in the adaptation with the rest of all the nothing I had to do. As you can see, it didn't really work out quite so well.... But still, THIS episode is here now so.... Enjoy!

    And once again, thanks to all my actors involved and thanks to D-Mac and Hnilmik for being random test viewers! And of course, a whole lot of thanks to Scott Ramsoomair for creating VG Cats! Please don't sue me.

    Adaptations of the following strips in order of appearance:
    #95 - Songs of the Open Seas
    #120 - NSFW
    #152 - Cats in the Cradle
    #160 - Start the Reactor
    #179 - Viva la Revolution
    #252 - Make it Double
    #277 - Cheeseburger Apocalypse
    #284 - Comes With a Free Frogurt
    #281 - Subtlety

    Jennifer "windychan" Bates as Pea-Steve
    Tamtu "seraphskye" Bui as Claude and Claude's Kid
    Manuel "MidoriBoushi" Caballero III as Players
    Sean "sonicmega" Chiplock as Shwatzencop and Cid
    Cody "YdocNameloc" Coleman as Pantsman
    Lucien "luciendodge" Dodge as Johnny Evilguy and Professor Oak
    Josh "neo_skywalker" Goring as Koopa Troopa
    Ty "Aramek" Konzak as Manny Calavera and Manny Calavera's Kid
    Francine Louise as Lara Croft and Lara Croft's Kid
    Stephen "Shard Spider" Lynch as Frank
    "D-Mac" Deven Mack as the Narrator, Barret, Meowth and Pea-Ter
    Kamran "DaBiggieK" Nikhad as Solid Snake and Naked Snake
    Chris "Kirbopher15" Niosi as Red XIII
    Rina-chan as Ash, Samus and Zombie's Kid
    Phillip "Lioncourt" Sacramento as Vincent Valentine and Frank's Bitter Friend
    Anthony "Antfish" Sardinha as Coach
    Shippiddge as Mario
    Autumn "autumnarr" Stroble as Aeris, Tifa and the Teacher
    Guybrush Threepwood as Singing Player
    Edwyn "Omahdon" Tiong as Leo, Sephiroth and Kutarchini
    Josh "Tomamoto" Tomar as Potatamoto
    Kimlinh "Hnilmik" Tran as Toad, Pikachu and Pea-Tricia
    Nikki Wright as Link and Pea-Bob

    VG Cats created by Scott Ramsoomair

    Mixed by: Edwyn Tiong

    Soundtrack: (in order)
    The Noveltones - Left Bank Two
    Unreal Tournament 2004 - Menu
    Unreal Tournament 2004 - Onslaught 1
    Unreal Tournament 2004 - Assault
    Unreal Tournament 2004 - Convoy
    Super Mario Bros. - Castle Complete
    Persona 4 - Muscle Blues
    Super Mario Bros. - Hurry
    Super Mario Bros. - Starman
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Zelda Victory
    Grand Theft Auto 3 - We're Live (Danger)
    Half-Life 2 - Ravenholm
    Super Mario Bros. - You're Dead
    Metroid Prime - Samus Aran Appears
    Metal Gear Solid - VR Training
    Grim Fandago - Main Theme
    Tomb Raider Anniversary - Main Theme
    Ren and Stimpy - Pizzicato Playtime
    World of Warcraft - Tavern (Intro Cue)
    Star Wars Republic Commando - Battle 03
    Megadeth - Duke Nukem Theme Sample
    Final Fantasy VII - Cinco De Chocobo
    Final Fantasy VII - Valley Of The Fallen Star
    Final Fantasy VII - On Our Way
    Final Fantasy VII - Aerith's Theme
    Final Fantasy VII - Let The Battles Begin
    Final Fantasy VII - Descendant Of Shinobi
    Pokemon - Nandakanda to Kikaretara
    Pokemon - Tsuzukutachi, Tsuzuku
    Left 4 Dead 2 - The Parish
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Pile O Bile
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Asphyxiation
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Exenteration
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Tank
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Death
    Terminator Salvation - ???
    Ren and Stimpy - Tom Fool
    The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker - Open Treasure Box
    The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker - Get Item
    Ren and Stimpy - The Hurry Up
    Ren and Stimpy - Shock Impact
    Ren and Stimpy - Saw Theme
    Final Fantasy IX - Prelude
    Final Fantasy XIII - Saber's Edge
    CADENZA - Age, Regret, Reward
    Schindler's List - Theme from Schindler's List (Reprise)

    Sound Effects:
    Curse of Monkey Island
    Final Fantasy 8
    Guilty Gear X
    Half-Life 2
    Left 4 Dead
    Left 4 Dead 2
    Max Payne 2
    Metal Gear Solid
    Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
    Rayman - Raving Rabbids
    Super Mario Bros.
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Miscellaneous stuff from online

    Thanks for the listen! And watchin'!


    Hope i can voice in more parts than just a little 14 year old prepubescent quire boy.

    :D ...

    oh dear christ this is soooo funny! even though it's furries it's friggin hilarious, it has all the same opinions i do; bots in L4D suck, JRPG's suck completely for all the reasons it does, duke nukem forever will be the shit, the terminator, etc,

    where can i find moar?!?!?

    Great job on your Pico Project.

    I forgot to leave a comment months ago!
    Welp! Here it is!
    Good job. You're quite the snazzy speaker. I'm training myself now, hope I can get as recognized as you, but I don't even know where to begin!

    Well, it was nice praising the people I see are pretty cool. Hope I can do it again sometime soon, and at 2:00 A.M. too!


    Duke Nukem... IS ALMOST HERE... *splooge*

    fuking amazing man ay loveee it your amazing love you foreverrrrr

    I sh!t myself at the start the reactor one, right at the end of that one